Child’s Development

Child's Development

Nothing in this world is as difficult as handling children at initial stages of their life span. Children in their early age face many problems. Some of the common problems faced by a child at the preschool age may be:


Lying is a fairly common behavior in preschoolers. Sometimes they struggle to tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not. They make a fake story about their friends or family.
We at SHIKSHA International Play School encourage your child to have a wide and vivid imagination, but then we make sure to clarify and give them a realistic picture of the same

Baby Talk:

A child may begin to use baby talk right before s/he enters kindergarten because she/he is nervous about the transition. They use baby talk due to stress or anxiety. We at SHIKSHA International Play School teach children new skills, we give attention and praise the child with positive reinforcement for using his/her normal voice and make the ambiance comfortable for him/her.


One of the most difficult issues is managing how to calmly, lovingly, and safely stop the child if S/he is behaving in ways which are potentially harmful to themselves or others. Children who have lost control are likely to feel emotionally unsafe and may be physically unsafe if they are not stopped. Other children who see a child who is acting in a way that seems dangerous are also likely to feel unsafe Hitting, kicking, and occasional biting etc are expressions of Aggression.
We at SHIKSHA International Play School deal with such children in a passive way and then tackle them in a consistent manner. We take the child out of that unpleasant situation and tell him/her as to what kind of behavior is expected from him/her and how should he/she go about it.

Food Habit and related issue:

The eating habit and attitude towards food being displayed by the parents have a tremendous effect on the choices of food, for children. In fact, their likes and dislikes become firmly established during their childhood, to a large extent, depending upon the food habit of their parents.
Therefore, in SHIKSHA International Play School , we prescribe an array of varied healthy food in our weekly snack table, wherein, the children learn to eat and develop a healthy food habit.

Disrespectful Behavior:

When a child is disrespectful to teachers or classmates, the first source to consider is the behavior of the adults in this child's life. Children who aren't treated with respect have no model for respectful behavior.
At SHIKSHA International Play School , teachers portray themselves as a role model to their dear children.

Impulsive Behavior:

Impulsive behaviors in a child can range from mildly annoying actions like toy snatching to dangerous ones such as darting into traffic. This impulsive behavior can be frustrating when your child is a toddler or preschooler.
In SHIKSHA International Play School we teach the child to have self control without displaying our anger and by being non-threatening towards the child.

Temper Tantrum:

Tantrums are most common in toddlers. Preschoolers are less likely to throw tantrums because they have developed more coping skills and are able to communicate better. Some preschoolers learn that tantrums can be used to get something they want. If child care providers give in to children's demands, tantrums may become more frequent. School-age children sometimes react with tantrum-like behavior when they are frustrated by new situations.
In SHIKSHA International Play School we tackle such situations by remaining calm and we make sure that we do not give in to the child’s tantrums. We divert the attention of the child by removing him from that situation. We do not try to reason out the child until he calms down. Then we offer comfort to the child reassuring him the same love and affection.

Toiletry Habit:

Learning to use the toilet is an important milestone for toddlers. It is a big step as they learn to understand their body’s signals and start being responsible for their own body.
Each child is different. Some seem to almost train themselves when they are ready, while others need some help from parents. The most important thing is that your child is ready and trained and that you are relaxed. Children always want to please you. Therefore, praise and encourage their good work while they are learning new skills.

Separation Anxiety:

It's natural for your young child to feel anxious when you say goodbye. Although it can be difficult, separation anxiety is a normal stage of development. Although it may be difficult to hear a child cry, remember that separation anxiety does have a positive aspect: It indicates that a healthy attachment has bonded a caregiver and child.
However, in SHIKSHA International Play School , we try talking to the child about the process of leaving and assure the child that the parent loves him and will return back to the child. Post which we offer the child’s favorite stuffed animal which works as a soother in the absence of the parent. With a regular routine, we teach the child to handshake with the parent as a clear and consistent indicator when saying good bye.

Routine habit:

Special case: Autistic, Mentally unstable, ADHD, Dyslexia etc


Bullying can be devastating for children’s confidence and self-esteem, especially in their preschool years. Hence, children need lots of love and support, both at home and wherever the bullying is happening. They also need to know that you will take action to prevent any further bullying.

Thumb sucking:

Thumb sucking is a common habit amongst children. A child has natural rooting and sucking reflexes, which can cause them to put their thumbs or fingers into their mouths. Because thumb sucking makes children feel secure, some might eventually develop a habit of thumb sucking when they're in need of soothing or going to sleep. Therefore, their attention can be distracted, pictures of germs can be shown and the thumb can be bandaged.

Nail biting:

Your child may bite his nails for any number of reasons – curiosity, boredom, stress relief, habit, or imitation. Nail-biting is the most common of the so-called "nervous habits," which include thumb-sucking, nose picking, hair twisting or tugging, and teeth grinding. It's also the one most likely to continue into adulthood. The child needs to be told not to bite nails as this looks unpleasant and is injurious to health.

Shy behavior:

As your child moves into the preschool and kindergarten years, behavior that seemed understandable and even expected of a toddler -- clinging to your leg when a stranger approaches, weeping over every goodbye, refusing to join in group activities -- may start to seem a bit less charming. We expect children to become more adept at social situations as they grow so that a shy and a timid child can come out of his/her shell.

Cranky Behavior:

To tackle cranky behavior in a child - Calm down the cranky child and get his attention. Keep your message simple for him to understand. Find out what’s wrong and then acknowledge the feelings of the child. Always reward the child for good and not for bad. Give some quality time to the child. Divert the mind of the child and make the child feel happy at the end.

Physical development (Gross Motor or Pincer grip):

We engage the child in various physical activities which take care of the whole body movement which helps in the development of the large body muscles and small body muscles which further develops the pincer and the Palmer grip. It also develops the Eye-Hand coordination of a child.

Sense development:

Maximum usage of the Montessori equipments brings in sensory development in a child, Because these equipments take care of the development of all the 5 senses.

Stage fear:

Involving children in several play way activities which have a lot of Role Plays; Pretend play, Rhymes in Action and tune; Story telling and retelling. These activities can be in a group or solo performance for a child. This further dissolves stage fear and builds confidence in children.
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