Play Group

Play Group

Eligibility: 2 to 3 years

Shiksha International Play School exclusively launches “Todd Care”, an advanced program. This program is introduced to deal with the development and provide stimulation to the children in their formative years and to overcome the challenges of parents of providing stimulation to their kids in their exploratory age. "Todd Care" aims to provide stimulating sensory activities to toddlers. The program is aimed to involve parents in growth and development process of their little ones with several age appropriate aids, toys and activities to stimulate their overall development.
Childrens in their twos (2 years) can be enrolled for Todd Care program (Toddler Program).

Program Features :

1. Sensorial Stimulation
2. Parental Involvement
3. Social Development
4. Motor Skill Development

Let’s turn the “Terrible Twos” into “Stimulating Twos”
FAQs relevant to the Todd Care program:

1What is Todd Care?
Todd care is a development stimulation program for toddlers.
2Who are toddlers?
Toddlers are children who toddle and are learning to walk. The age group of toddlers is usually 2-3 years.
3What is the Todd Care program aimed to do?
Todd Care Program aims to stimulate holistic development of toddlers with censorial activities using age appropriate toys in a child-friendly stimulating environment.

Todd Care aims :

1. To foster holistic development through stimulating and age appropriate activities (Play group activities).
2. To enhance child exploration using age appropriate toys in a child-friendly and safe environment.
3. To involve parents in the growth and development process through regular interactions.
4. To enrich parental information about best practices in child developmental process.
5. To involve parents and guide them in continuing developmental stimulation at home.
4What is the duration of the program?
Todd Care is a 5 days a week program for 2 hours 30 minutes.
5How many children in a group can be provided Todd Care activities?
Todd Care facilitators manage about 8-10 toddlers in a session per head along with an attendant to help them with toilet, cleaning and snack providing schedules. Parents are also a part of this interaction as they get practical interaction with their toddlers.
6What is the role of Parents?
This program is focused on educating and enriching parents about rearing their child with developmentally appropriate practices and stimulating their development in the early years at home with scientific guidance.
1. Parents will be given daily duties to participate and learn to care for their toddlers.
2. Parents will be provided regular workshops and educational seminars to equip them with information about healthy parenting practices adapted worldwide.
3. Parents will be involved in day to day routine activities of the Todd Care program.
7Who will conduct the Todd Care program?
Trained facilitators will conduct the Todd Care sessions daily (5 days a week) at all our ‘Shiksha International Play School’ Preschools.
8How will Todd Care benefit to toddlers and parents?
Todd Care is a togetherness program for toddlers and parents. Both are involved and the facilitator will enhance their interaction with stimulating activities and tips. Some highlights of the program are as below :
1. A stimulating environment with charts, pictures and colorful displays.
2. Age appropriate toys and learning aids to foster sensorial development.
3. Comfortable, safe, clean and spacious indoor and outdoor facilities for toddlers and parents.
4. Sensorial activities to stimulate 5 senses of toddlers with stories, songs, musical instruments, toys and picture books to touch feel and explore.
9Are snacks provided at Todd Care for the toddlers?
We have a snack time table which suggests food groups that can be used to prepare recipes for toddlers. We recommend that toddlers relish the nutritious (as per food groups of snack table) recipes prepared by their mummies, grannies and aunties in the family. However, for working mothers some of our ‘Shiksha International Play School’ centers provide snacks from schools as per our snack table.
You will need to contact your nearest ‘Shiksha International Play School’ center to know about this facility.
10Are there digital activities for Todd Care program?
Technology has seeped into our lives and it is almost impossible to keep our toddlers away from the digital world. We have tried to make this interaction meaningful and conservatively introduced them to digital content like rhyme/ song videos and age appropriate short films as part of audio-visual sessions. These sessions may be no longer than 10 -15 minutes in a span of 2 days.
11How important are books and stationery?
Books with age appropriate content are very important for every age. For Todd Care, the idea is stimulating their senses of sight and hearing with books that lead to cognitive and language development. We provide a set of picture books for the Todd Care program to enhance parent-child interaction. These picture books are designed with big pictures and realistic images to help a parent talk to the child using it to foster development in their own loving and cozy arms.
Stationery like thick brushes, thick crayons and lots of paper to crush and crumple, paint and scribble are provided to stimulate their tactile senses and enhance their exploration. Stationery is however provided once the toddlers are settled and they themselves pick up such objects during our free play sessions.
12How important are toys and outdoor equipments?
Toys are attractive and interactive. Carefully selected toys age appropriate toys are provided along with outdoor equipments like non-pedal bikes and cars to foster their big and small muscle development.
13Will toddlers be assessed?...... How?
Todd Care is a program to stimulate development. There will be an assessment of growth and development in terms of height and weight only. The progress of developments in toddler skills will be seen by the parents who are involved personally and also by their families, the same will be verbally communicated by the facilitators of the program as well. NO ASSESSMENT of activities. Assessment brings in pressure of delivery and raises expectations from the parents. The aim of the program is to provide lots of activities to foster holistic development and involve parents in the up-bringing of their toddlers.
14Are transportation facilities available for Todd Care program?
Some of our ‘Shiksha International Play School’ do provide transportation facilities which are subject to separate fees.
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